The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

Your body does some gosh darn amazing things each and every day. It’s a (mostly) finely tuned system that keeps you going and protects you from harm (we hope). One of the amazing things it does is making new skin cells. And it makes a LOT of skin cells.

The key to fabulous and flawless skin isn’t a fancy arsenal of pricey products. It’s knowing what your skin needs at every age. We’ll be the first to point out that everyone is different, and that 2 people born on the exact same day might have completely different skincare needs. BUT...

Diatomaceous earth, or DE, say whaaaaat? Sounds like something from prehistoric ages! And it kind of is. Let us explain. In short, it’s a naturally occurring, soft, and super fine plant and algae fossil.

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Ever feel like you're basically swimming your way through your vinyasa? Or sticky thighs and pit stains are your everyday norm? Just like our body shapes, sweat is different for everyone.

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Women often get told (usually by their grandmas who wash their face in leftover cabbage water, we know…go figure!) how important it is to take care of their skin from an early age. Men - not so much. But wait…you don’t get off scot-free.

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There’s a bunch of essential oils on the market from anise and basil through to frankincense, tangerine and ylang-ylang (and about a million others in between). Yet given the abundance of essential oils, many people end up feeling overwhelmed or intimidated.

Even if you’re not entirely sure what “green washing” is, it doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? Makes us think of little leprechauns dancing in the shower! Let us explain. 
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Adult acne, hormonal breakouts and pimples – they’re way more common than you think (especially with the gals)! The biggest culprit is… HORMONES! But there are some other causes of adult acne and pimples too...

The downside of shaving can be the razor bumps and acne that ensue after the job is done. Not only can they magically appear after you’ve shaved, but can become painful when new hair begins to grow in.

While the premise of antiperspirant seems simple – you put it underneath your arms for the ultimate protection against the dreaded stink – using this daily staple can be a whole ‘nother story especially when it comes to those narky aerosol cans.

Heck, we’ve just passed the Winter Solstice, which means we’ve gotten past the shortest day of the year, but there’s still another 2 months of short days, cooler terms and gloomy skies. Your favourite bathers and glorious sun-kissed tans are still a while off… BUT! You don’t have to succumb to winter blues. Nuh-uh, not on our watch.

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No matter what kind of packaging you use - even if it is plastic free (like glass bottles) - you need to make sure it’s being recycled properly. If it’s not, then it just means more landfill and more strain on the environment. And that’s the complete opposite of what we’re trying to achieve!
