This long weekend get to know your skin type

  • 3 min read

‘How do I know my skin type?’ is something we hear a lot of! It’s OK if you don’t know, because there is more to it than meets the eye. And your skin type can easily change.

There are four basic skin types and if you think one of these describes your skin, then you’re well ahead of the pack with understanding your skin and its quirks.

1. Dry Skin

This is you if your skin feels tight and can be flaky or peeling, with no oily patches. Dry skin makes wrinkles look worse, skin tone is dull, pores are barely visible and your skin is easily irritated. As we age, our skin can tend to be more on the dry side.

2. Normal Skin

Not dry and not oily. Normal skin is balanced and perfectly plump with bright tone and has few problems. This is skin utopia – and if you have normal skin you’re the minority!

3. Oily Skin

Noticeable shine all over your face and not a dry patch in sight? You could have oily skin. It has a rough texture, enlarged pores, and will break out at the drop of a hat.

4. Combination Skin

Your skin can’t make up its mind. Your t-zone has more oil than Kuwait and other areas are drier than a WeetBix. Your skin can either breakout or get irritated easily. If this is you, you’re not alone, since this is the most common skin type.

What about Sensitive Skin?

That is a very good question and we are glad you asked. Your skin type usually has more going on than just what we explained in the 4 basic skin types.

Having sensitive skin (also sometimes called reactive skin) means something you come into contact with causes irritation. Any skin type can also be sensitive, although it’s most common with dry skin because dry skin very good at protecting itself.

There are other nuances, like being sensitive, that make your skin special. For example you could have sun damaged, combination skin that is sensitive. Or you could have oily skin that’s acne prone.

Almost everything in your life can have an effect on your skin. There are countless internal and external factors that affect how your skin looks and feels. Some of these are

  • Hormones
  • Smoking
  • Stress levels
  • Climate
  • Pollution
  • Sun exposure
  • Nutrition
  • Medications
  • Skin care routine
  • Skin conditions (eczema, rosacea, dermatitis)

They all play a role in your skin’s health and appearance. They can move your skin from one type to another. Have you ever gone on holiday to a country with a different climate and all of a sudden you skin went from normal to dry and became sensitive? Or you became pregnant and your combination/blemish prone skin became normal? Phoebe has her hand up for that one

The 4 basic skin types are a great place to start and help you decide which products to use, but just keep in mind that there are other things at play that can determine whether a product is right for you or not.

We try to keep our product range super simple so it’s easy to choose the best products for you. If you’re keen to try our sample pack, you can choose either the pack for ‘Normal/Dry/Sensitive’ skin, or ‘Oily/Combination’ skin.

Rightio. It’s time to hunt some eggs. We are armed and dangerous with our blue bunny buckets! Happy Easter!
