Last week we chatted about how some everyday chemicals can affect our hormones, ability to lose weight, and overall health.
Since you’re reading this, chances are you’re already trying to live a healthy lifestyle by eating clean and using healthy skincare products.
If you’re interested in taking it one step further, you might want to start looking at your personal environment and reducing your exposure to chemicals.
We have gone in search of some tips to help you reduce your (and your family’s) chemical load. Here is what we found:
- Ditch the antibacterial soaps if they use tricoslan. Unless you are a surgeon normal soap and water has been proven to be as just as effective.
- Avoid anything with added fragrances. This includes skincare, makeup, perfume and cleaning products to reduce your exposure to Pthalates (look for ‘fragrance’ on the label).
- Use a good vacuum cleaner that traps all the dirt. Household dirt is known to be one of the biggest sources of endocrine disrupting chemicals.
- Use natural fabrics. This covers many things like your clothes, furniture, mattresses. Many materials and furniture fillings are coated with a flame retardant called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). PBDE is known to have endocrine disrupting abilities. Some other options are organic cotton, hemp and natural latex for your furniture and mattress.
- Take up organic gardening. Not only will you get great organic food but you will also be reducing your exposure to toxic pesticides and fertilisers.
Get some indoor greenery. Yes the humble indoor pot plant can do wonders for your health. Not only do they make a space more inviting but they also clean the air reducing your toxin exposure. They are very adept at processing benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene which are common gasses released by your furniture.
- Keep shoes at the door. Walking through the house with your shoes on increases the levels of dirt, pesticides, lead and poo in your house. Tap into your inner Nanna and when inside wear slippers or go barefoot.
- Choose eco-friendly, natural skincare and makeup like Woohoo Skincare (We couldn’t resist the plug!)
- Use cooking appliances that are free from Polytetrafluoroethylene (a.k.a. Teflon).
- Reduce your use of plastic, particularly for food and water. Cling wrap is known to contain phthalates which can leach into your food. Microwaving plastic increases the leaching.
- Try using good old vinegar to replace some of your cleaning products. You’ll be amazed by what it can do. Combine half vinegar and half water in a spray bottle and you will be able to use it for jobs like wiping down benchtops to making glass and mirrors sparkle.
Unfortunately in our society it’s pretty much impossible to totally remove chemicals from your life, but following a few of these tips will surely help a little!
We’d love to hear any tips you have to share too.